Post by +_C l a w_+ on Dec 27, 2008 12:05:01 GMT -5
Name/Nickname: Claw(duur xD) How did you discover Second Storm?/Who recruited you? Cause Elena affiliated her site with mine. o: No one recruited me. Do you like pie? No. Why or why not? Because it makes my taste-buds hurt. D: What's your favorite animal? KITTY-CAT. -shot- Food? ...Hm...Nachos. o: Book? "Heaven's Wager" by Ted Dekker Movie? TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Video Game? Nintendogs Television Show or series? I'm too much of a hobo to watch much television. D: Are you tired of these 'favorite' questions yet? No. :3 They make me smile that someone cares enough to ask. xD Do you like anime? Manga? No... D: If so, examples? Are you wondering about Anika's randomness? Nope. I wonder more about if she has sanity or not. O: Just kidding. :'D Do you want to smite Anika for rambling too much? Pfft. No. I probably ramble a lot to. D: When life gives you lemons... THROW THEM AT RANDOM HIPPIES ON THE STREET. >D Do you think this is the last question? ...Lyk idk my bff jill?! How about this one? ttyl Uhm...yeah, I'm out. Anything else you'd like to say? -shotforallthechatspeak- Um...I LIKE MESSING WITH PEOPLES' HEADS.
Post by +_C l a w_+ on Dec 27, 2008 13:18:34 GMT -5
Time Started: 11:06am
Nickname(s): Claw, Claw-Flaw, Claw-Paw
Birthday: July 19th.
Where you were born: In a hospital. Duuuuuur. >D
Where do you live now: Same place I've been living all my life after my parents took me home from the hospital
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 'Bout five foot four--maybe five
Weight: I'm too fat to tell you and not be ashamed.
Eye Color: Blue-gray
Hair Color: Reddish-orangish
Shoe Size: 10 in womans
Ring Size: 7...maybe 8?
Skin Type (tan, freckles, albino, etc.): I'm pretty pale. D:
Blood Type: I DUNNO.
Grade: 8th
Sibling(s): None that are directly related to me.
Tattoos: I WISHED.
Piercings: Ear piercings. o: -wants a nose ring-
Hobbies: The internet, and nintendogs.
Right/Left Handed: Right handed
Your Heritage: ...I'm german, dutch, irish... and a few other things I dunno.
Fragrance you've worn today: HAHA
Your weakness(es): D< NOT TELLIN' YOU.
Your fear(s): Too many things to list.
Your perfect pizza: Cheese and pepperoni with cheese-filled crust.
Goal you would like to achieve this year: To not get held back.
Your most overused IM phrase(s): "Anything I can do anyone can do better. If I shoot myself in the head with a handgun they'll shoot me in the head with a shotgun." , "I came in last night and changed my message to "HI, I'M NOT HERE BECAUSE I'M DEAD." I need to change that..."
Thoughts first waking up: God. I didn't die while sleeping.
Your best physical feature: NONE.
Your bedtime: 11:30pm o:
Color: Black
Food: Nachos
Candy: Gummy worms.
Cheese: Chedar
Pizza topping: Pepperoni
Salad dressing: I DON'T EAT SALAD
Fruit: Apple
Nut: ;D None.
Berry: None
Vegetable: None
Cake/Dessert: German Chocolate Cake
Book: "Heaven's Wager" by Ted Dekker
Magazine: HAHA.
Song: "The Bird and The Worm" by The Used
CD: Disturbed: Indestructable
Newspaper: PFFT.
TV Show: HA.
Website: ... My own?
Radio Station: HAHA.
Font: Size one Tahoma or arial.
Cartoon Character: PFFT.
Artist (painter): DUNNO
Actor: HAHA
Actress: HA
Music Group: Disturbed
Music Type: Alternitive
Day of the week: Sunday
Month: December
Season: Winter
Weather: Cold and snowy
Holiday: None. P:
Shampoo: ;;
Conditioner: ;;
Number: ;;
Phrase: "I came in last night and changed my message to "HI, I'M NOT HERE BECAUSE I'M DEAD." I need to change that..."
Retail Store: ;;
Restaurant: Outback! (Going there tonight!)
Channel: ;;
Teacher: HAHAHA--...None.
Weekend Activity: The computerrrrr.
Weekend Hangout: In the computer room in my house
Sport to watch: PFT.
Sport to play: PFT.
Animal: CAT. 8DDD
Flower: ;;
Guy's name: ;;
Girl's name: ;;
Board game: ._. None.
Party game: I dunno. -has never been to a party before-
Body part: ;D None.
Clothing designer: None.
Automibile: I dunno.
Gemstone: Sapphire.
Been on a train: Nope
Been on a plane: Yep
Been on a cruise: Nope
Been in a car accident: Nope
Caused a car accident: Wait until I get my driver's permit and I'll change this answer
Ran into a wall: YES--SEVERAL TIMES.
Been engaged: No. o-o
Had an online relationship: NO. O-O
Broken into a house: >> ...No.
Smoked: Nope.
Drank: Nope.
Been drunk: Nope.
Been rejected by a crush: Nope.
Cheated on your lover: Nope.
Been cheated on by your lover: Nope.
Cried over a movie: Nope.
Fallen asleep in a movie theater: Yes.
Used illegal drugs: Nope.
Broken the law: Nope.
Kissed the opposite sex: Nope.
Kissed the same sex: Nope.
Skipped school: Nope.
Faked sick to get out of going to school: Nope.
Been home schooled: Nope.
Lost a valuable item: YES--SEVERAL TIMES. D;
Bunjee jumped: Never have never will.
Skydived: Nope.
Skied: Yes. I fail at it.
Met the President of the United States: HAHAHAHAHAHA. NEVER WANTED TO. >D
Met a celebrity: Nope.
Had a cavity: I dunno.
Gotten evicted: Nope.
Been arrested: Nope.
Been convicted of a felony: Nope.
Been pulled over: Wait until I get my driver's permit, then I'll change my answer to this question.
Recieved a parking ticket: Nope.
Had your car towed: Nope.
Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: WHUT?
Made a prank call: Nope.
Climbed a tree: Nope.
Fallen from a tree: Nope.
Broken a bone: Nope.
Sprained anything: Nope.
Passed out: Yes. Several times. D:
Made yourself pass out: Yes. Several times. D:
Been to Disney World: Nope.
Made a model volcano (that actually works): Nope.
Been beaten up: Yes.
Jumped someone: Nope.
Hit someone out of anger: Yes.
What did you do yesterday: Got on the internet and played nintendogs.
What is your favorite memory growing up: NONE.
What is the memory you want to forget most: A ton of things.
Something you regretted after it was done: A lot.
Last song you've heard: "Divide" by Disturbed
Last CD you've purchased: Avenged Sevenfold: City of Evil
Last thing you've said to someone: "I got rid of it."
Last time you've cried: Nine days ago.
Last movie you've seen in a theater: It's been years since I've seen a movie in a theater. So I dunno.
Last thing you've eaten: Cookie.
Last person you've called: No one.
Last person who has called you: Tiffany.
Last person you've text messaged: I have no phone.
Last person who has text messaged you: No one.
Last nail laquer color worn: ._.;; Whut?
Last time you've showered: Few days ago.
Last person who has complimented you: ...No one.
What are you listening to: Nothing.
What are you wearing: Sweatshirt and sweatpants.
What are you scared of the most: Not telling you.
How many people are on your buddy list: Neopets: Four. IM: Twelve.
What is your current occupation: Student.
How much money do you make: 10 dollars a week for chores.
Where will you get married: NEVER GETTIN' MARRIED. >D
Where will you go on your honeymoon: No where.
How many children do you want to have: EW. D: NONE.
Where do you want to live: In a small apartment by myself.
What are you doing tomorrow: Same thing I'm doing today.
Who will be the next President of the U.S.: Obama. ._.
Will there ever be a WWIII: WE'RE IN IT NOW. D:
Will politics ever be truthful: HAHAHA--wait...this is a serious question? OOOO:
Will humanity snuff itself out: Dur.
Can the government be changed: Yes.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Alone in an appartment writing stories.
Will there ever be peace in the Middle East: Probably.
Do you agree with the War on Terrorism: Yes and no.
Most quiet:
Best secret keeper:
Worst secret keeper:
The one you have but don't want:
Most ethnic:
Shortest guy:
Biggest flirt:
Biggest pervert:
Most desperate for love:
Always in trouble with the law:
Fashion forward:
Least fashionable:
I don't have enough real life friends to answer these ones.
Heaven: Nope.
Hell: Nope.
Angels: Nope.
Devil: Nope.
God: Nope.
Buddha: Nope.
Aliens: Nope.
Ghosts: Nope.
Spirits (souls): Nope.
Soulmates: Kinda.
Reincarnation: Nope.
Love at first sight: Nope.
Karma: Yes.
Love (in general): Not really.
Luck: Nope.
Yourself: Nope.
Life in other galaxies: Nope.
Survival on other planets: Nope.
Every cause has an effect: Yep.
Who and when was your first crush: ...Not telling you.
Do you have one now: Nope.
Who is your celebrity crush: None.
Who do you want to be with right now: None.
Who's number do you want: None.
Who do you want to kiss: Someone.
Something you dont understand @ the other sex: Why do you act so stupid? \:
If you could go out on a date with someone, who: Someone.
On a scale of 1-10, how romantic are you: -147823287328326832826382382
First thing you notice about the opposite sex: Personality.
First thing you notice about the same sex: If they're stuck up or not.
Personality trait(s) sought in a person of interest: Kind and a good sense of humor.
Turn on(s): Not very many.
Turn off(s): Several things.
Things they wear that turn you on: None.
Things they wear that turn you off: None.
Most romantic thing you want to happen to you: None.
Most romantic thing that has happened to you: Not telling you.
What would you wear on a coffee date: ;;
Is it OK to flirt if you are in a relationship: No.
Is it OK to cheat if you've been cheated on: Nope.
What is worse, emotional or physical cheating: Emotional.
Are the eyes the window to the soul: Yes.
Who did you take to prom: ;; Probably won't even go when I'm older.
What did you do right after prom: ;;
Do you want to give someone a hug: Yes.
Pepsi or Coke: BOTH TASTE THE SAME. D<
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King(But if I needed fries I would go to McDonald's.)
Wendy's or KFC: Never been to either one.
Single or Group Dates: Single.
Atari or Nintendo Wii: Wii.
Classical or Blues: Blues.
Subtitles or Dubbed: Dubbed.
White or Black: Black.
Dog or Cat: Cat.
Valentino or Versace: ;;
Madonna or Brittney Spears: EW. NEITHER. D:
Princess Diana or Queen Elizabeth I: ;;
Michael Jackson or Janet Jackson: MICHAEL JACKSON.
Boys or Girls: Boys.
Letters or Emails: Emails.
SUV or Convertible: SUV.
Running or Swimming: Swimming.
Italian or Chinese: ...Neither.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Iced Tea or Green Tea: Neither.
Hot Coffee or Iced Coffee: Neither.
Cappuccino or Espresso: Neither.
Coffee or Tea: Neither.
Cut or Uncut:
Hairy or Smooth: Smooth...
Front or Rear: Front.
Length or Girth:
Tall or Short: Tall.
Math or Science: Math.
High School or College: College.
He-Man or Thundercats:
Jem & the Holigrams or Josie & the Pussycats: o______o;;
The Munsters or The Adams Family: I dunno...
Marvel Comics or DC Comics: I dunno...
X-men or The Fantastic 4: Neither.
Gum or Mints: Gum.
Silver or Gold: Silver.
Sprite or Ginger Ale: Sprite.
Boxers or Briefs: ... I dunno...
Flowers or Candy: Flowers.
Book or Magazine: Book.
TV or Radio: TV.
Glass half-empty or half-full: Half-empty.
Democrat or Republican: I'M NEITHER. 8DDD
Colored pencils or Magic markers: Colored pencils.
Sun or Moon: Moon.
Day or Night: Night.
Hot or Cold: Cold.
Button or Zipper: Zipper.
Cotton pillow or Feather pillow: Cotton pillow.
Jeans or Shorts: Jeans.
Cap or Visor: Cap.
Matt or Ben: ;; I dunno?
Long distance relationship or None at all: None at all.
Comedy or Horror: Horror.
NSYNC or BSB: I dunno.
Peanut Butter or Jelly: Neither.
Waffles or Pancakes: Pancakes.
East Coast or West Coast: West Coast.
Hot Dogs or Hamburgers: Hamburges.
Movie at home or theater: Movie at home.
Wood floors or Marble floors: Wood floors.
Meatballs or Sausage: Sausage.
Tuna or Salmon: Neither. o-o
Top or Bottom: Top.
The perfect date: I dunno...
The perfect mate: I dunno...
Why manholes are round: o____o Whut?
Why the sky is blue: BECAUSE. >C
Why people cheat: Because they're loosers.
How many licks till you get to the center: 932(I've done it before. )
Why everyone wants to live in the United States: I dunno. The country's icky anyways.
Red: ...I dunno? D:
Socks: Smelly. D:
Cowtipping: ...Cowtipping.
Moulin Rouge: ...I dunno.
Harry Potter: WIZARDS.
Lipstick: ...Icky lip makeup. D:
Rooster: A demonized bird. D:
Taxes: The goverment is taking our money and wasting it! D:
Bill Clinton: ...A disgrace. An elitest hypocrite that doesn't care about the wellfare of the citizens of the United States.
George W. Bush: Another disgace. A very, very stupid man.
Whipped cream: Yummeh.
Dreams: >>
Love: ._.
Feet: EW GROSS. D:
South Park: Whut is 'South Park'?
Boy bands: HAHAHA
Penguins: 8DDD CUUUUTE.
Death: Awsome.
Spoon: Silverrr. 8DDD
Dairy: COWS
Your mother: ...YOUR MOM. 8DDD
Your father: ...YOUR DAD. 8DDD
Pizza: Food.
K-Fed: I dunno who that is.
Happy: Nope.
Sad: Yep.
Religious: HAHA--...Nope.
Crazy: I guess.
Messy: Yes.
Mad: Yes.
Slacker: Yes.
Bookworm: Nope.
Stylish: Never.
Preppy: Never.
Selfish: Yes.
Giving: Nope.
Obsessive: Yes.
Violent: Sometimes.
Eccentric: Yes.
Caring: Not really.
Untrustworthy: Kinda.
Loyal: Kinda...
Patriotic: NOPE. Never.
Perverted: Kinda.
Colorful: Nope. ._. My world is black and white.
Artistic: Yes.
Vengeful: Yes.
Gone on a date: Nope.
Gone to the mall: Nope.
Eaten a box of Oreos: Nope.
Eaten Sushi: Nope(never).
Been on stage: Nope.
Been dumped: Nope.
Gone skinny dipping: Nope(never).
Stolen anything: Nope.
What color is your underwear: I don't know...white and blue?
Do you shave: Yes.
How often: Rarely.
Where: Legs.
What color is your razor: Blue.
What size is your bed: Twin sized.
What color crayon would you be: Black.
Your feelings on abortion: It's your choice. Do it if you want to.
How long does it take you to get ready: 20 minutes.
What does your screen name mean: I'm...simply havoc? xD
Thoughts on blonde pop stars: LOOSERSSSS.
Who do you trust the most: Myself.
Is cursing necessary in life: Not really.
How about coffee: No.
Is the word screwed: Not really.
Two things you cant live without: Internet and my nintendogs.
Do you know what 69 means: Yeah. xD
How about 143: Yeah.
Your thoughts on death: Make it short and painless as possible.
By what age do you want to be married: Never.
Do you want to drop out of school: At times, yes. But that would be stupid.
Name one (only ONE) good trait about yourself: None.
What do you always think about: Nothing really.
What is wrong with the world: Me.
What is right with the world: Everyone else.
How do you react to change: I adapt.
Do you talk to yourself: All the time.
What is your opinion on love: ...Not telling you.
Can you afford to lose weight: Yes. I need to loose weight.
Would you dye your hair: Done it before.
The best compliment you have ever recieved: ...None.
Your reaction to someone telling you your hot: YOU LIAR.
Does being psycho appeal to you: Yes.
What type of book would you write: Adventure, horror, and younge adult novel.
Would you change your name into another: No.
Have you ever shoplifted: Nope.
Do you want to go to college: Yes(probably won't make it though.)
Do you get motion sickness: Nope.
Do you think you are attractive: Nope.
Play any instruments: Nope.
Do you like thunderstorms: o____o Nope.
How do you want to die: Alone, quick, and painless.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Author.
Country you would most like to visit: ...None.
Ever been on a blind date: Nope.
Would you rather be blind or deaf: Deaf.
Are looks important: Nope.
Have any friends more than 15 years: Nope.
How many mistakes have you made in life: Several.
Name a pet peeve: People looking at me more than one minute even if I'm paying no attention to them.
Are you an above-average tipper: Nope.
Most money spent on a haircut: My mother spends money on my haircuts.
Ever had a crush on a teacher: No.
Have you ever peed in public: Nope.
Song you want played at your funeral: "The Bird and The Worm" by The Used.
Last meal before being executed: ...Stuffed crust pepperoni pizza.
Beer, wine, or hard liquor: o___o None.
Do you walk around naked: Never.
What animal would you be: Cat.
Any special talents: Nope.
Are you missing anyone: Yes.
If you were gay, what person of the same sex would you do: Not tellin' you.
Who is the one person you can count on the most: Me, myself, and I.
If you could date a celebrity past or present who would it be: No one.
Favorite non alcoholic drink: Sprite.
Can you sing: No. xD
What song can you sing the best: None.
Favorite holiday: None.
Would you ever get plastic surgery: No.
Have you ever caught a fish: Yes.
Number of CD's you own: Seven.
Are you falling asleep yet: Nope.
Favorite Ice cream flavor: Chocolate-chip
Are you a health freak: Not really.
Number of things in your past that you regret: ...Too many
Time Finished: 12:40pm