Post by anika on Dec 23, 2008 16:32:11 GMT -5
Name/Nickname: Anika How did you discover Second Storm?/Who recruited you? I learned about it from Elena, of course. :3 Do you like pie? No. (Please don't kill me. :C) Why or why not? I don't know. It just...doesn't taste good. D: What's your favorite animal? Wolves, by far. Food? ...uh...chow mein, I think. Book? The Sight, by David Clement-Davies. Movie? Uh...haven't seen many movies...Star Wars...Episode I, I guess. Video Game? Kingdom Hearts II, I think. Television Show or series? Naruto. Are you tired of these 'favorite' questions yet? Not really. Do you like anime? Manga? Yes to both. If so, examples? Naruto, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket... Are you wondering about Anika's randomness? No. I am Anika. 8D Do you want to smite Anika for rambling too much? Yes, in fact I do. -smites self- When life gives you lemons... Throw them at Elena! 8D -hides- Do you think this is the last question? Nope. I'm too smarticle for that. >:D How about this one? Yep. ;D (<-- fail :D) Uhm...yeah, I'm out. Anything else you'd like to say? Uhm...THE RUSSIAN CHICKENS KILLED US ALL. O:
Post by anika on Dec 23, 2008 17:29:46 GMT -5
Time Started: 1:33 PM
Nickname(s): Anika, Anikazeni, Wolfe, Silver, Pokemon, Jolteon.
Birthday: January 8
Where you were born: California
Where do you live now:: California
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: Er...5"2, I think...?
Weight:: Uhm. -can't remember-
Eye Color:: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Ring Size: Ring...size...? THERE ARE RING SIZES? -doesn't wear rings-
Skin Type (tan, freckles, albino, etc.): ...ASIAN. :B -thunderbolt'd-
Blood Type: No clue. ._.
Grade: 7th. 8D;
GPA: ...what? D:
Sibling(s): Saya. :3
Tattoos: None, sheesh.
Piercings: NO. NEVER. D:
Hobbies: Reading. Typing. Playing World of Warcraft.
Right/Left Handed: I was born left handed. Now I write with my write hand and use my left hand for various things(using a knife, throwing frisbees, etc.)
Your Heritage: Uhm. Asian? o-o
Fragrance you've worn today: Fragrance? Like. Perfume? No offense to you perfume wearers but the sickly sweet scent of perfume is disgusting. e_e
Your weakness(es):: ...are you. Like. Trying to kill me or something? >>
Your fear(s): No, seriously.
Your perfect pizza:: Crispy crust, lots of cheese and pepperoni. Yum.
Goal you would like to achieve this year:: Eh...be a better writer, I guess.
Your most overused IM phrase(s): Can cbox and neo cound as 'IM'? :1 If so, -thunderbolt'd-
Thoughts first waking up: I had the STRANGEST dream... (No, seriously.)
Your best physical feature: Uhm. I has none.
Your bedtime: It varies from day to day.
Color: Gray
Food: Chow mein
Candy:: Chocolate
Cheese:: American
Pizza topping: Pepperoni
Salad dressing:: Ranch
Sandwich:: Grilled cheese
Cereal: Cocoa Puffs or Cookie Crisp
Fruit:: Oranges
Nut:: Pistachio
Berry:: I don't particularly like berries. :C
Vegetable:: Spinach
Cake/Dessert: Chocolate milkshake!
Book: The Sight by David Clement-Davies
Magazine: Does Shonen Jump count? :1
Movie:: Star Wars Episode I: Phantom Menace
Song: ...Caramelldansen? :D
CD: Uhm. I has none?
Newspaper: I HAS NONE.
TV Show: Naruto
Website: Fanfiction.net
Radio Station: I dun listen to the radio...?
Font: Courier
Cartoon Character:: Does Naruto count? 8D; If so, Neji!
Artist (painter): Uh. I'unno?
Actor:: Geez. I don't really like watching movies--do you think I'd know the names of actors/actresses?
Actress:: Look above. >>
Music Group:: I don't know any. ^^;
Music Type:: I'unno. I tend to like fairly fast-paced songs, I guess.
Day of the week: Friday.
Season: Autumn.
Weather: Windy and cool--a bit of rain wouldn't hurt, either.
Holiday: ...Christmas?
Shampoo: You think I care what brand I use? :|
Conditioner: Look above.
Number: 21
Phrase: I hate -insertsomethinghere- with the burning passion of a thousand suns. (Heh. Got that from Saya. ^^)
Retail Store: I'unno...? D:
Restaurant: That one Chinese place with the delicious food. *_* (I can never remember the name.)
Channel: Cartoon Network...?
Teacher: Eh, my science teacher.
Weekend Activity: Roleplaying. Or hanging out with THEM and friends. :1
Weekend Hangout: My computer.
Sport to watch: Roleplaying. 8D
Sport to play: Roleplaying. 8D
Animal: Wolves.
Flower: ...THERE ARE FLOWER TYPES? O: -thunderbolt'd- Eh, just kidding. I like...well, I don't really care. ^^;
Guy's name: ...I don't know?
Girl's name: See above.
Board game: MONOPOLY! Better yet, STAR WARS MONOPOLY!
Party game: Apples to Apples? O:
Body part: Well, I like my hands, 'cause like. Yeah. But my head is nice, too. I mean, it has my brain, and...WHY MUST I CHOOSE?
Clothing designer: ...clothing...designer?
Automibile: Uh...
Gemstone: I dun care, realleh. .___.
Been on a train: Uhm. No?
Been on a plane: Yes.
Been on a cruise: No.
Been in a car accident: No.
Caused a car accident: No.
Ran into a wall: Yes.
Been engaged: No.
Had an online relationship: No.
Broken into a house: No.
Smoked: No.
Drank: Root beer. ;D No, I haven't drunk alcohol or anything of the sort, idiots. >|
Been drunk: No.
Been rejected by a crush: I've...never even had a crust. o_o
Cheated on your lover: No.
Been cheated on by your lover: No.
Cried over a movie: No. Almost while reading a book, though. Almost. But not quite.
Fallen asleep in a movie theater: No.
Used illegal drugs: No.
Broken the law: No...?
Kissed the opposite sex: No.
Kissed the same sex: No.
Skipped school: I was sick, yes.
Faked sick to get out of going to school: No. >>
Been home schooled: No.
Lost a valuable item: No. Wait, yes. Wait... -can't remember-
Bunjee jumped: No.
Skydived: No.
Skied: No.
Met the President of the United States: No.
Met a celebrity: No.
Had a cavity: Yes.
Gotten evicted: No.
Been arrested: No.
Been convicted of a felony: No.
Been pulled over: No.
Recieved a parking ticket: No.
Had your car towed: No.
Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: ...what's 'Ambercombie & Fitch'? D:
Made a prank call: Yep. :1
Climbed a tree: Nope.
Fallen from a tree: Nope.
Broken a bone: Nope.
Sprained anything: Yep.
Passed out: Nope.
Made yourself pass out: Nope.
Been to Disney World: Nope.
Made a model volcano (that actually works): Yep.
Been beaten up: Nope.
Jumped someone: Nope.
Hit someone out of anger: ...maybe. >___>
What did you do yesterday: Be a lazy bum.
What is your favorite memory growing up: Being a lazy bum.
What is the memory you want to forget most: Why do you wanna know?
Something you regretted after it was done: A lot of things...why do you care?
Last song you've heard: Joy to the World.
Last CD you've purchased: Uhm... 'Totally Pokemon,' I think, but that was years and years ago.
Last thing you've said to someone: "What?" <-- to Saya
Last time you've cried: Uhm...
Last movie you've seen in a theater: Last year or something.
Last thing you've eaten: About 2 hours ago.
Last person you've called: ... -cannot remember-
Last person who has called you: My cousin.
Last person you've text messaged: Saya.
Last person who has text messaged you: Saya.
Last nail laquer color worn: ...what? If that's nail polish, I dun wear any.
Last time you've showered: Last night. :1
Last person who has complimented you: Saya. She said I'm an idiot. -sparkly eyes-
What are you listening to: The clickety-clackclack sounds produced by the computer keys as a type.
What are you wearing: A plain white T-shirt and some gray shorts. And my glasses.
What are you scared of the most: ...why d'you wanna know?
How many people are on your buddy list: Buddy list? Er...like. Five?
What is your current occupation: Roleplayer. :D
How much money do you make: None. :C
Where will you get married: Never-never-land.
Where will you go on your honeymoon: Nonexistent place.
How many children do you want to have: None.
Where do you want to live: Here.
What are you doing tomorrow: Being a lazy bum.
Who will be the next President of the U.S.: I'unno.
Will there ever be a WWIII: Maybe.
Will politics ever be truthful: Prolly not.
Will humanity snuff itself out: Perhaps.
Can the government be changed: Yes.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Playing World of Warcraft. -thunderbolt'd-
Will there ever be peace in the Middle East: I'unno.
Do you agree with the War on Terrorism: Whut?
Best: I'unno.
Funniest: Look up,
Silliest: Look up.
Loudest: Again.
Most quiet: Up-up.
Craziest: -shrug-
Skinniest: ^
Fattest: Go on, look up, you can do it.
Best secret keeper: Keep lookin' up.
Worst secret keeper: Up some more.
The one you have but don't want: Come one. Up.
Smartest: ^
Preppiest: Up, I say, up!
Most ethnic: ^
Hottest: .___. LOOK UP.
Shortest guy: UP!
Biggest flirt: -getting annoyed-
Biggest pervert: WHY DO YOU CARE, STALKER?!
Most desperate for love: UP. LOOOK UP.
Always in trouble with the law: Keep looking up...
Fashion forward: Up more...
Least fashionable: ^
Heaven: I'unno.
Hell: I'unno.
Angels: I'unno.
Devil: I'unno.
God: I'unno.
Buddha: I'unno.
Aliens: I'unno.
Ghosts: Seriously. I. Don't. Know.
Spirits (souls): Have you guessed that I'm very indecisive about what I believe in?
Soulmates: Nah.
Reincarnation: Dunno.
Love at first sight: Nope.
Karma: I suppose.
Love (in general): I guess.
Luck: Yes.
Yourself: Not really.
Life in other galaxies: It could happen.
Survival on other planets: That depends.
Every cause has an effect: Sure.
Who and when was your first crush: Never had one.
Do you have one now: Nope.
Who is your celebrity crush: I...don't have one...
Who do you want to be with right now: No one, plz.
Who's number do you want: No one's. ._.
Who do you want to kiss: EW. D8
Something you dont understand @ the other sex: ...it's really, girls I don't understand. :|
If you could go out on a date with someone, who: No one.
On a scale of 1-10, how romantic are you: 2
First thing you notice about the opposite sex: They're really competitive and have to make a challenge out of everything.
First thing you notice about the same sex: They all seem to want to marry this dude named 'Edward Cullen.' (No offense to you guys that don't, of course.)
Personality trait(s) sought in a person of interest: -shrug-
Turn on(s): ...?
Turn off(s): ...?
Things they wear that turn you on: Uh?
Things they wear that turn you off: o.o?
Most romantic thing you want to happen to you: Nothing.
Most romantic thing that has happened to you: Nothing...?
What would you wear on a coffee date: My shirt and pants. And glasses. And underclothes.
Is it OK to flirt if you are in a relationship: It's all a matter of your point of view.
Is it OK to cheat if you've been cheated on: It's all a matter of your point of view.
What is worse, emotional or physical cheating: How should I know?
Are the eyes the window to the soul: ...no?
Who did you take to prom: -has never been to a prom-
What did you do right after prom: See above.
Do you want to give someone a hug: Like. Saya? :1 -thunderbolt'd-
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi.
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds.
Wendy's or KFC: KFC.
Single or Group Dates: Neither, please.
Atari or Nintendo Wii: Wii.
Classical or Blues: Classical.
Subtitles or Dubbed: Subs.
White or Black: Black.
Dog or Cat: Cat.
Valentino or Versace: Who/what are they?
Madonna or Brittney Spears: ...?
Princess Diana or Queen Elizabeth I: I'unno.
Michael Jackson or Janet Jackson: Uh?
Boys or Girls: It depends.
Letters or Emails: Emails.
SUV or Convertible: SUV
Running or Swimming: Running
Italian or Chinese: Chinese
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Iced Tea or Green Tea: Green
Hot Coffee or Iced Coffee: They're both yucky. :|
Cappuccino or Espresso: Neither.
Coffee or Tea: Tea.
Cut or Uncut: ?
Hairy or Smooth: Smooth?
Front or Rear: Front...?
Length or Girth: I'unno.
Tall or Short: MEDIUM. 8D;
Math or Science: Depends.
High School or College: Depends.
He-Man or Thundercats: ?
Jem & the Holigrams or Josie & the Pussycats: What?
The Munsters or The Adams Family: ...I'll go with The Adams Family, since I dunno what The Munsters is.
Marvel Comics or DC Comics: Neither?
X-men or The Fantastic 4: ...neither?
Gum or Mints: Mints.
Silver or Gold: Silver.
Sprite or Ginger Ale: Sprite
Boxers or Briefs: .___.
Flowers or Candy: Candy.
Book or Magazine: BOOK.
TV or Radio: TV.
Glass half-empty or half-full: Half-empty. D:
Democrat or Republican: I'unno. :D
Colored pencils or Magic markers: Colored pencils.
Sun or Moon: Moon.
Day or Night: Night
Hot or Cold: Cold
Button or Zipper: Zipper
Cotton pillow or Feather pillow: Cotton
Jeans or Shorts: Shorts
Cap or Visor: Cap
Matt or Ben: ?
Long distance relationship or None at all: None at all? :D;
Comedy or Horror: Comedy
NSYNC or BSB: ? D:
Peanut Butter or Jelly: Peanut butter.
Waffles or Pancakes: Waffles.
East Coast or West Coast: West.
Hot Dogs or Hamburgers: Hot dogs.
Movie at home or theater: Home.
Wood floors or Marble floors: Wood.
Meatballs or Sausage: Sausage.
Tuna or Salmon: Tuna.
Top or Bottom: Top.
Mellow: ? D:
The perfect date: Nonexistent.
The perfect mate: Same.
How M&M's are made: A machine takes the chocolate and the candy and works wonders.
Why manholes are round: Because they are.
Why the sky is blue: Because it wants to be.
Why people cheat: Because that's our nature.
How many licks till you get to the center: THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW.
Why everyone wants to live in the United States: Because we awesum lyk dat? :D
Yellow: Pee.
Red: Blood.
Socks: Smelly.
Cowtipping: A cow falling over.
Moulin Rouge: Huh?
Greenland: Icy.
Iceland: Grassy.
Harry Potter: OMG I IS MAGICAL.
Lipstick: Ick.
Rooster: RISE AN' SHINE.
Taxes: D:
Bill Clinton: ._.
George W. Bush: ._.
Whipped cream: Fluffy and white.
Lolipop: Too...many...licks.
Dreams: Odd.
Love: Bleh.
Feet: Happy Feet. O:
Spiders: EEK.
South Park: Make Love, Not Warcraft(only episode I've seen, so. :D)
Boy bands: ._.
Penguins: ELENA!
Death: D:
Spoon: Nom.
Junk mail: /sigh
Dairy: Milk.
Your mother: Nurse.
Your father: Love-to-buy-things-on-sale.
Pizza: Yum.
K-Fed: o.o?
Vitamin: Eh.
Happy: Sure.
Sad: Nope.
Religious: Not really.
Crazy: Yeah.
Messy: No duh.
Mad: Nah.
Slacker: Yup.
Bookworm: You could say that.
Preppy: Nah.
Selfish: Yup.
Giving: Sort of.
Obsessive: Who do you think I am, Edward? >|
Violent: Not really.
Eccentric: No...?
Caring: I can be.
Untrustworthy: Yeah. :C
Loyal: I can be.
Patriotic: No?
Perverted: NO. -_-
Colorful: ...no?
Artistic: Not really. D:
Vengeful: ...nah.
Racist: Never. D:
Gone on a date: No.
Gone to the mall: Yes.
Eaten a box of Oreos: No.
Eaten Sushi: No.
Been on stage: No.
Been dumped: No.
Gone skinny dipping: No.
Stolen anything: No.
What color is your underwear: White.
Do you shave: Not yet. xD
How often: Look up.
Where: When I do, the bathroom.
What color is your razor: Blue?
What size is your bed: Twin, I think.
What color crayon would you be: Gray.
Your feelings on abortion: D<
How long does it take you to get ready: Five minutes.
What does your screen name mean: Nothing.
Thoughts on blonde pop stars: -shrug-
Who do you trust the most: Saya. C:
Is cursing necessary in life: When you must, you must.
How about coffee: No.
Is the word screwed: Yes. Very.
Two things you cant live without: My computer. World of Warcraft. My books.
Do you know what 69 means: No? D:
How about 143: Uhm?
Your thoughts on death: ...
By what age do you want to be married: I'unno.
Do you want to drop out of school: No.
Name one (only ONE) good trait about yourself: I'm stupid? :D
What do you always think about: Random things.
What is wrong with the world: Everything.
What is right with the world: Nothing
How do you react to change: It can be good or bad.
Do you talk to yourself: Yeah. xD
What is your opinion on love: Eh.
Can you afford to lose weight: I dunno?
Would you dye your hair: NO. I WEAR MY ASIAN HAIR WIF PRIDE. -thunderbolt'd-
The best compliment you have ever recieved: 'Dude. You're smart! O__o'
Your reaction to someone telling you your hot: Are you an idiot?
Does being psycho appeal to you: Maybe. :3
What type of book would you write: About animals. Wolves. Fantasy or realistic. Adventure. Some humor, but mostly serious.
Would you change your name into another: Nah.
Have you ever shoplifted: No.
Do you want to go to college: Yeah.
Do you get motion sickness: Only sometimes.
Do you think you are attractive: No.
Play any instruments: I'm musically challenged, but I can sort of play piano, drums, guitar, and violin.
Do you like thunderstorms: Not really. :C
How do you want to die: Of old age.
What do you want to be when you grow up: A veterinarian and author.
Country you would most like to visit: Japan? O:
Ever been on a blind date: No.
Would you rather be blind or deaf: Deaf.
Are looks important: No. It's what's inside. (:
Have any friends more than 15 years: Geez, I'm not even that old yet.
How many mistakes have you made in life: Too many to count.
Name a pet peeve: Uhm...people who want to marry Edward Cullen?
Are you an above-average tipper: Maybe. >>
Most money spent on a haircut: $20? O.o
Ever had a crush on a teacher: No.
Have you ever peed in public: In the public restrooms.
Song you want played at your funeral: I'unno.
Last meal before being executed: Chocolate milkshake.
Beer, wine, or hard liquor: ROOT beer. ;D
Do you walk around naked: No.
What animal would you be: Wolf. That can transform into a hawk. O:
Any special talents: ...no?
Are you missing anyone: No.
If you were gay, what person of the same sex would you do: No one. -_-
Who is the one person you can count on the most: Saya, I guess. C:
If you could date a celebrity past or present who would it be: No one.
Favorite non alcoholic drink: ROOT BEER!
Can you sing: No.
What song can you sing the best: My Heart Will Go On
Favorite holiday: Christmas?
Would you ever get plastic surgery: No.
Have you ever caught a fish: No.
Number of CD's you own: 1? 2?
Are you falling asleep yet: No.
Favorite Ice cream flavor: Chocolate.
Are you a health freak: No.
Number of things in your past that you regret: Too many to count.
Time Finished: 2:29 PM